Tapping into this unfulfilled need could catapult your relationships to a juicier level.
By Nila Sweeney
He says: “People should get their news or
information from diverse sources to broaden their views”. What I heard
him say was: “Your blog posts are boring, they’re just focusing on one thing.”
Isn't it silly how we listen to others and
hear things based on what's going on in our heads and not what’s being said?
Rather than really listening, we get too caught up looking for the meaning and intention behind what the other person is saying.
Why did he say such things? What did he really
meant by that? Rather than listening to what’s being said, we make up our own interpretation based on our reality.
In my case, I made it mean “I’m not good enough to write, I’m stupid,” and so on and so forth because that comment triggered my insecurity.
When there’s a breakdown in communication, it’s
less about what's being said, but more on how we listened. That’s the root of
When we listen while running our own internal
commentary, we can't listen fully. Even if we're nodding and looking at them in
the eyes if we’re too busy judging, agreeing or
disagreeing, we’re not really there for them. We're not present.
Being heard is a basic human need, yet those who give them are as scarce
as a hen’s teeth. It’s a rare commodity because it’s not easy to listen
fully. It’s difficult to listen when someone is attacking you. You’d be tempted to interrupt with a counterattack of your own to get
The predictable result is that nobody wins. Not
even the person with the louder voice or the one who can unleash the most profanities. Everybody loses.
Learning how to listen fully opens up a whole new
dimension in your relationships. When you give someone the gift of listening,
you’re allowing them to heal. People will start to gravitate towards you.
When you listen with open heart and mind, people
feel they matter. They’d feel closer and safe around you
because they can trust you. They no longer feel the need to hide or pretend.
You get genuine connection because of your willingness to lend your ears. Your
relationships become more meaningful.
The best part of it? You don’t need to do or say
anything special: just be present.
How do you really listen?
Here are a few suggestions that I've used
myself and they've been immensely helpful. I still have my bad days
when communication dies a sudden death. But I’m getting better at it, the more
I practice.
Now, this is a hard one to do. We’re all wired up to
be judgmental. I know I am. But you can set this judgement aside until the
other person has finished whatever it is they want to say.
Try to just listen without having to agree or
disagree or judge what the other person is saying. Even when they say something
that is blatantly untrue, don’t interrupt. Don’t try to correct them. Doing so
would rob them the opportunity to release and heal their suffering.
When you let go of your judgement, your stance
towards others softens and your need to defend yourself also lessens.
Set aside your feelings
When listening to others who are expressing
negative emotions such as anger, we tend to respond in kind. This is normal.
It’s also completely ineffective.
When your emotions are triggered as the other
person unloads, keep reminding yourself that this conversation is not about
you, it’s about the other person. Give him this moment. You’ll get your turn, some other time.
Set aside your feelings about the matter being
discussed and just listen to what the other person is saying. You might just
discover something new about the other person and yourself, in the process.
Give something up
Ego often gets in the way of our ability to listen
fully and with love. When we give up being right, we allow the other person to
express themselves freely.
Let go of your need to be right for once and just
listen. You might just be surprised at the
Be generous
Giving the other person the chance and the space to
say what he wants to say is one of the greatest gifts you can give to someone.
It doesn't cost you anything yet the rewards are huge. When you listen without any hidden agenda and without expecting anything in return, you become the most wanted person in other people's lives. It's the law of supply and demand. You give them something that's in short supply, you become in huge demand.
So there you have it. If you’re looking for a juicy and delicious
relationship, mastering the art of listening could just pave the way.
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